Together to EU funds
The project was co-financed by the EU from the European Regional Development Fund

Project name

"Business process improvement of the company EKONERG, Ltd. through procurement of modern ICT tools", project code KK.

Project summary

Through this project implementation the company will procure different types of software that will be applied to different segments of its business as well as the necessary hardware equipment needed to implement the software component in business. This project implementation will have an impact on 5 different processes in the company, which will ultimately result in a sales revenue increase. Indirectly, it will have an impact on an increase in the number of employees.

The project included the following activities:

  1. Procurement of ICT business solutions intended for optimizing business processes in the company
  2. Project management
  3. Promotion and visibility

Project goals and expected results

The general project goal is to strengthen the company's market position, increase competitiveness and business efficiency by applying the developed specific software, and thus also support small and medium enterprises through an improved application of ICT solutions.

Specific project goals are the following:

  1. Sales revenue increase,
  2. Increasing the capacity for service provision and
  3. Support the information society development in the Republic of Croatia.

Sustainability of results after project completion will be implemented through several different aspects:

  1. financial sustainability,
  2. software maintenance and its future upgrades,
  3. commercial sustainability,
  4. marketing activities.

Total project value and amount co-financed by the EU (in HRK)

Project implementation period

25/10/2019 – 25/10/2020




    Together to EU funds
    The project was co-financed by the EU from the European Regional Development Fund